The National Association of Women’s Organisations in Uganda (NAW

Posted on 20/03/2019

Country Uganda

City Kampala

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The National Association of Women’s Organisations in Uganda (NAWOU) is an umbrella organisation of women founded and women led organisations that registered as a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) in 1993. Its membership category is District Networks, which are clusters of women’s Community Based Organisations (CBOs), Faith Based Organisations (FBOs) and NGOs, national NGOs, nationally registered FBOs and women’s professional bodies. NAWOU is one of the most grounded women’s organisations in Uganda as its members can be found across the country. NAWOU is also one of the oldest Ugandan women’s organisations as it was originally founded as the National Council for Women in the 1960’s.

Our Vision

A society where women are collectively and individually self-reliant and free from injustice

Our Mission

To promote the growth of a strong women’s movement in Uganda that advocates for the rights of women and enhance their social-cultural, economic and political status

Strategic Objectives 2015 – 2019

  • From 2015 to 2019, we seek to realise our mission through the following strategic objectives:
  • Promote access to economic justice, markets and value chain production
  • Promote and strengthen women’s participation and representation in leadership and decision making in democratic governance in Uganda
  • Promote peace and security in the lives of women, their families and communities
  • Improve on program and organisational efficiency and effectiveness

Core Values

NAWOU’s work is guided by core values that act as benchmarks and guiding principles for internal and external interactions. These are:

Teamwork: Whatever is done, all that we do, we do without selfish interests but as members of one body; upholding the notion that together everyone achieves more. Respect is an essential precondition for our communication, for team work and productivity.

Integrity: We shall be accountable for our actions to the relevant stakeholders by being honest, trustworthy and upholding the interest of our members and partners. We are committed to making what we do consistent with what we say.

Non-discrimination: We are passionate of the women and do not discriminate anyone based on colour, race, ethnicity, religion, status or political affiliation.

Participation: Our actions will ensure that we are collaborative, we consult as much as possible, we make corporate decisions and are owned by all. We promote partnerships, ownership, responsibility and commit ourselves to empowerment of our members so as to enable them to create sustainable, positive change.
