How social media can boost your sales and how to find the right influencers

26 Apr, 2018

How social media can boost your sales and how to find the right influencers

If you have ever tried to sell something online, you have probably come across the idea of using social media as a platform. In fact, the probability that you have been the target for a marketing campaign of another brand is extremely likely. In the world that we live in today, influencers run the market and if you find the right ones, who have true organic followers and a high follower base, then you are likely to sell out in a record time for your business.


Did you know that “61 percent of buyers have been influenced by suggestions found on Twitter, 63 percent of surveyed marketers plan on increasing their budgets for influencer marketing , and that the number of people using ad blockers online jumped 30 percent in 2016” (numbers courtesy of ). If you analyze this data, you can find out that everyone knows that marketing is important, but as time goes on, customers don’t want to see banners or ads because they seem to pushy. That's why social media influencers have gained so much popularity. It’s almost as if a friend is recommending the product.


The key is to notice who your target audience most likely follows social media. If you sell luxury clothing, they are probably following fashion magazines, if you are selling fitness clothing, they will most likely be following exercise accounts. Make sure you are aware of your targets interests. Apart from that, we have a few tools that can help you reach your goals.


Assembly, with a price of 199$ per month allows you to manage all the influencers you have paid. You can also search their network of influencers and set different objectives.


Tomoson, with a more accessible price of 50$ crawls the internet to find exciting contents that can help your brand. It also gives you insights into other influencers activity.


IZEA is another popular tool since it works for both brands and influencers. It’s basically a marketplace where you can find someone that fit your needs.


There are many tools like this on the market but you must give a few of them a try so that you choose whatever fits your needs the best. Many offer free trials so start taking a look!
