How to successfully network in order to grow your fashion start-up
If you find it difficult to communicate with other business professionals, and struggle with attending social events in order to get the word out about your brand, you could probably use some networking tips. Networking makes a huge difference when you have a start-up, especially because it allows you to get tips and advice from other experienced business owners, create connections with others going through the same process as you are, and also helps you to be on top of other entrepreneurʼs minds, which can open future opportunities for your business.
Networking is not something that happens easily. It takes effort and practice. Although some people have a natural ability to be extremely sociable and manage to shine at every event, this is not the most common situation. Instead, the most common feeling at networking events is actually being out of your comfort zone, and feeling pressure to act and think quickly. These are 3 ways you can become better ay networking.
1.Have strategic questions: Itʼs ok to freeze and be nervous when you encounter someone whose company you admire. What you must do to prepare for this kind of scenario is have strategic and well thought questions to ask when the time comes. This way, you can relax, have time to think, and get to know the person without being on the spot.
2.Plan a perfect pitch. Although networking events are not a pitching contest, they can give you similar real-life situations that can serve as practice for pitching. You will most likely have few minutes to speak with people you are getting to know, and in these minutes you have to give an overview about your fashion company. Make sure you have a 1-2 minute idea on how to explain what you do, without getting into details and avoid over-speaking. Remember to ask others about themselves and to practice active listening when itʼs their turn to speak as well.
3.Add value. This is one of the hardest skills to master, but once you have the tips mentioned above mastered, you can focus on adding value. This means that once the nervous feelings are gone, and you know how to perfectly pitch your project, you can focus on adding value to others when they approach you. Give the best advice, offer ideas on how to partner up, and try to offer value that is mutually beneficial.
We know that networking will be difficult, especially the first times, however always remember that the more you do it the easier it will get. Donʼt forget to have fun and keep in mind that most people at networking events are starting out as you are, so donʼt take one mistake too seriously.