The importance of a healthy mind in business

23 Oct, 2017

The importance of a healthy mind in business

23 Oct, 2017


I’m pretty sure that you are used to playing all roles, from CMO to CEO, from assistant to marketing creator, an entrepreneur is used to multitasking and knows how it involves working around the clock. These huge amounts of work may be benefiting your job, but in many cases could also be damaging your mental health. It is important that a young entrepreneur knows how to manage time and work, which will allow them to make better decisions and have better results overall.

  1. The first most important detail you have to re-evaluate is learning how to wind down. Are you taking care of your sleep? Many don’t give rest enough value just because they can’t observe the benefits it brings, however, in terms of your brain function and clarity of ideas, it is essential. Learn how to wind down, get the rest that your body needs. Set aside chunks of time when you turn off your phone. No, we are not recommending to throw it away or become one of those non-technological professionals because we know how important it is for business, but just learn how to balance it correctly. It is important for REM cycles to detach, so maybe you can start small, with a few nights during the weekend or during you Friday night movie. Make sure you acknowledge the home around you without technology and you’ll notice how much more clear ideas next morning.
  2. Be more present during eating times. There are a countless number of benefits related to breaks. Even if this means stopping work to take a walk, or disconnecting when you go out to lunch, the act of sitting down and concentrating on something other than work for a couple of minutes can be quite beneficial for the rest of your day. Notice how much more refreshed your ideas are when you come back.
  3. Take a step back from the craziness in day to day living to become more mindful, who are you and how have you grown? Do you love what you are doing? What can you improve? Are you treating those around you in a way you would like to be treated? Make sure you appreciate the long way you have come and are able to help others as well.
  4. Connect to something that is not related to work, have a hobby, a volunteering group or even a group of friends that is there for you when you simply want to take a day off.
  5. Finally, if you consider that the steps above are really helping you out and want to take a step further, take a look into meditation and the benefits it has to offer for entrepreneurs all around the world. The mental health that it allows will not only promote your calmness during stressful situations that may approach, help you make better decisions, focus better on your day to day, and build a lot more creativity for your future work.